In a liability insurance policy, the insurance company has the duty and also the right to defend the insured. The cost involved in defending the insured does not affect the policy limits provided the policy does not state otherwise. This rule is useful because in many cases the defense costs are high when a judicial trail is involved. In some cases, the defense costs can be higher than the claim amount making the defense part of the policy more valuable. Defense costs can be higher than the claim amount particularly in nuisance cases. These are situations where a case is made against the insured party even though the liability is low. The coverage of a claim under a liability policy can vary based on the duty to defend or right to defend clause. Before buying a liability policy, one should know the difference between duty to defend and right to defend and the obligations of the insurer under each wording. Duty to defend Under the duty to defend provision in a liability in...
A OG (Act of God) Perils Extension in Commercial General Liability (CGL) policies refers to the inclusion of natural and unpredictable events under the coverage of the policy. AOG perils are events beyond human control, often caused by natural forces, and their inclusion can significantly broaden the scope of a standard CGL policy. These perils are not covered automatically in a CGL but have to be purchased separately as an add-on. Let us look at this aspect of CGL policies in more detail. Indian firms looking to buy a CGL policy should ideally opt for an AOG perils extension because the country is geographically prone to various natural disasters such as earthquakes, cyclones, and floods. Including AOG perils in a CGL policy will help businesses in disaster -prone areas to protect against liabilities arising from damage or injury caused during such events. AOG Perils covered in a CGL policy Earthquake Floods (including inundation, cloudburst, etc.)...